من 07-02-2024 إلى 18-05-2024

Startup weekend (Eastern)

About Startup Weekend:

It is a global event held over two days in many countries around the world, and now it has reached Libya. This event aims to gather participants registered in the Daraya initiative for entrepreneurship to transform simple ideas into established projects. Designers, developers, marketers, students, and anyone interested in startups participate, working collectively to pitch ideas, develop them, and present them to the audience. Teams compete over the two days to achieve the best idea and plan for an innovative project, with guidance from experts and mentors specialized for each team. Additionally, this event provides an opportunity for learning and networking with people from diverse backgrounds, which helps in expanding one's network and developing personal and professional skills.


Who can apply for Startup Weekend (Eastern):




Day 1

Registration and presentation of objectives and rules, organizing networking activities and workshops for idea generation, presenting ideas and approving them, and a session for developing business models and closure.

From 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Day 2

Teams develop product and marketing strategies, identify required resources, practice presentation skills, refine their business plans, and the winners are announced at the closure.

From 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM

The application process (how to apply)

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فاعليات اخري

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from 07-02-2024 to 11-05-2024

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