Deraya Startup Weekend

Startup Weekend Tripoli

Written by Start Mashreq | Apr 5, 2024 12:00:08 PM

On Startup Weekend 

The Startup Weekend is a global event that takes place at the end of the week in many countries of the world and now in Libya. Its goal is for the participants to work collectively to transform simple ideas from an initial plan to an existing project.


In 3 days, the activities of the Entrepreneurship Derayah initiative will be held to become a collaborative event that combines creativity and learning, and ends with a challenge for innovators. Where designers, developers, marketers, students and all those interested in emerging projects meet with the aim of participating in presenting, developing and presenting ideas for new projects, and teams compete to reach the best idea and plan an innovative project under the guidance of experts and specialized mentors for each team.

Who can apply for Startup Weekend Tripoli?

  • The application does not require any previous experience in the field of entrepreneurship, but the applicant must have a tangible passion for entrepreneurship and building projects.

  • (specifically in Tripoli) so that he can attend the Startup Weekend.